Back when Ozzie was young and fat, he used to like to get into fights with other cats in the neighbourhood. One time he got a cut on his chest that I didn't notice until he growled at me one day when I picked him up. He had licked the cut so much, the fur was gone around it and the sore had almost abcessed. Another time he got his ear torn, which it still is to this day.
At any rate, every once in a while, but not often enough that I'd get used to it, I'd hear this horrible screaching from outside my house and my immediate thought would be: 'OH MY GOD, A BANSHEE!!!'
Then, after a few moments, I'd calm down and think: 'Oh, maybe it's just kids playing.'
And then I'd realize it was Ozzie caterwalling with another cat, with a cat fight imminent. So I'd have to run outside and scare the other cat off. Ozzie would be three times his normal size with all his fur standing on end.
The reason I was remembering this was because I was was thinking about what is the scariest 'monster' out there. I asked around at work today and, as it happens, many people are frightened of werewolves, which is understandable.
For my money, however, it's those damn banshees that terrify me. If I had a choice between a werewolf or a banshee being in my yard, I'd take the werewolf every time. I mean, the werewolf still has to get in the house, and if you happen to have any silver bullets handy, you can finish the thing off.
A banshee, though, just stands out there and wails, and there is nothing you can do about it. Someone in the house is going to die soon no matter what. Something about wailing just makes my stomach churn, too.
I think maybe I should be put into an asylum, not only for having that whole thought process go through my head today, but also for journalizing it for all to read.
At any rate, every once in a while, but not often enough that I'd get used to it, I'd hear this horrible screaching from outside my house and my immediate thought would be: 'OH MY GOD, A BANSHEE!!!'
Then, after a few moments, I'd calm down and think: 'Oh, maybe it's just kids playing.'
And then I'd realize it was Ozzie caterwalling with another cat, with a cat fight imminent. So I'd have to run outside and scare the other cat off. Ozzie would be three times his normal size with all his fur standing on end.
The reason I was remembering this was because I was was thinking about what is the scariest 'monster' out there. I asked around at work today and, as it happens, many people are frightened of werewolves, which is understandable.
For my money, however, it's those damn banshees that terrify me. If I had a choice between a werewolf or a banshee being in my yard, I'd take the werewolf every time. I mean, the werewolf still has to get in the house, and if you happen to have any silver bullets handy, you can finish the thing off.
A banshee, though, just stands out there and wails, and there is nothing you can do about it. Someone in the house is going to die soon no matter what. Something about wailing just makes my stomach churn, too.
I think maybe I should be put into an asylum, not only for having that whole thought process go through my head today, but also for journalizing it for all to read. don't need an asylum, yer just awesome.
Btw, what IS a banshee?
p.s. bam-edy goodness = Bam Margera
oh yeah, *hug*