>>>> IG: @ladylazarussss
happy thigh high thursdays errrybody! it's been one week since my set with sunshine has been up, and so far i have received an amazing response! i'm glad my hard work over this past year has paid off, i have been shooting pretty consistently since shooting this set, and would love if you all followed me on facebook, if you'd like to see more of me.
here's a little taste of what you're missing...

<<<that's me and aniston for tattooed on my arm. we're in my room.

this one isn't in my room but it's hot, agreed?

here is some BTS action with FOTO FAWX and HATTER MARIE PHOTOGRAPHY this past week, this girl is the shit! i love modeling for ladies! they make it more fun.>>>

i have two new sets up on Zivity this week too! i have a bunch of free trials just waiting for me to give out if anyone is interested. message me your email if you're interested! free trial grants one free month of viewing me and all the other sexy ladies on Zivity. here's a sneak peek...

>>>'Against The Wall' with Tattooed On My Arm
and 'Fade to Black' with David Savoie, which once i get the edits i'll add in here.
also... did any of you notice i put a video on my profile? it's incentive to vote for one of my Zivity sets by Kelly Webb. take a look...
i made a wishlist, if you like it..BUY ME STUFFZ! or sg gear? i'll give you goodies...

xo lady lazarus
I fucking love that scene in 'Bridesmaids'.