right, enough feeling sorry for myself, tis the season to be jolly and all that..
fuck I hate christmas, what a load of consumerist shite
rant, rant, rant
fuck I hate christmas, what a load of consumerist shite
rant, rant, rant

hrmmm...you only have four items you can't live without...
believe me, i stand with you on the christmas issue. i'm buying no gifts this year, nor am i asking for any. fucking fatass consumer fucks.
i think if people want to buy me gifts or make me gifts periodically throughout the year just because they think i'm grand, they are welcome to do so. and i will do the same for my friends. but going to the mall and maxing out your credit card in the name of a made up santa claus and a guy that is probably rolling over in his grave from all the wal-mart sweat-shop gifts being given out in his honor is a load of crap.
on the other hand, if some long lost relative gave me a mac laptop for jesus's birthday, i would not turn it away...