hey guys thanxs for all the luck and wishes!!!!! I really apperiate all the support you guys give me it means alot. So the final evaluation went very well. Im now workin for a modeling agency yay
!!!!!!!!!! and the court thing .. well he didnt show up when we took the paternity tests even though thats what he wanted but he hasnt missed court yet . I mean if he did it would be bad for him and they would just dimiss it all.. Im sure court would finally be over... I just wish july 3rd wasnt so far away I wish it was so much closer.. oh well life is pretty good for the most part..was suppose to go out dancing last night but it didnt happen. so i just went to see the last movie that I havent seen yet in theaters... lol i have seen so many movies lately the only movie I had seen was chernobyl diaries until last night, ever since avengers came out i have seen every movie that has came out since....also I'm not just modeling, I signed for a acting also.. So it will be interesting.the only thing that sucked about yesterday was the fact I found out my insurance got canceled so when I go see my lawyer tuesday I also have to find out what happen there
oh well im sure I can get things situated and it will be all good.. also I dont think i posted about when i saw theory of a deadman stellar revival , and pop evil it was fuckin amazing i got caught the drumsticks from .. stellar revivals drummer and pop evils drummer... also the bro and i had vip passeso so we got autographs .. from theory got pics with tyler way be before vip even started.. and after autographs and pics with all the bands i cant wait for june 15th going to see hawthorne heights lol.. and mayhem festival ... in july.. well im not going to be a blonde for much longer the agency likes my hair better black after seeing my porfolio.. and in the 3 caterogies I wouild work one music videos,promo, and commerical dependin on what it is and something else I cant remember..I was going to post pics from the concert but I dont Have them on this computer.. I know im sitting here rambling but for some reason I just feel like going on. with typing sometimes thats all i want to do ...anywayz my lovelys love ya guys ...and gals.. your so amazing never forget idc who u r... one other thiing ...i forgot to add im on twitter now so go follow me XxLaytexX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******** LOVE THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE LAYTEX*******

just wanted to stop by and say hey,,,hope things are going good for ya =D
Love what you do, do what you love!!!!!Best wishes(dill's wify I counldnt help comment, you're a sweet gal, hott also!!!!!)