hey guys I havent updated in awhile tried uploading pics last time and it was cooperating with me, no pics this time either . Just wanted to finally get on here and tell ya guys,finally went to court wednesday. After a year had to come face to face. to my ex husband. when i first got to the courthouse i was like thinking i was going to hav a heart attack. i saw a glesm of. him before i saw him in court.As him and his mother walked into the courtroom i busted out laughing.My mother asking me whats wrong with me,I said im sry i saw his face and couldnt help but laugh.SO what happened nothing got done like it was suppose to,He contested a paternity test for our youngest child,His lawyer told my lawyer i told u thats what were...going to do if that was true we would have already got it done so we could carry on. this is ridculious to have to wait this long and thats all that happens going to get a paternity test... and even though he said he knows 100 percent that our oldest child is his. his lawyer was like since were doing a paternity test on one child were just goin to go ahead and do both .UGH. he bitches about how much he wanted to see them and then pulls this shit. WOW hes already a pos... HES just making himself look really dumb... okay im donw ranting.. cant wait going to "IN THIS MOMENT" concert tomorrow super exctied.. time away from my kids basically the whole day. I love my children but the little breaks that I hardly ever get are very enjoyable. hows everyone doing? well guys love ya ***Love*** Laytex 

Told you he probably wouldn't have a leg to stand on and that the test would reflect bad on him. Glad to hear of some good-ish news though.
i heart you