thanxs for everyone who just recently added me .. the passed two or three days ive been gettin a lot of friend requests.. thanxs for the support and love
Laytex** okay im gonna post a pic of me 5 years ago then a pic of me now

oookay so i lied i got cARRIED AWAY

You are adorable.
Oh, one thing I mentioned in your very first blog EVER (yes EVER!!!) posted to SG was that, with the way SG works now (and always has), if you reply to someone's comment by leaving a comment in your own blog, they will never be notified that you replied to it unless you post a comment in their blog. That or text them or send them a private message, or write your reply on your boobs and take a picture and post it in their blog. I personally recommend replying to people's comments by utilizing the latter-most method.