I know that SG's normally don't post blogs like this but i just wanted to share what I thought sorry if i offend you (Not really)
DUDE! What IN THE WORLD is the matter with People know the shooting in Aurora was a couple of days ago but dear God why? all these selfish crazy people ... 4 of the 12 men that were killed were shot covering there girlfriends the last thing one of those poor girlfriends heard from her BF "was Don't worry baby its gonna be ok" before he was shot and Killed! a baby was shot and killed it just amazes ME!!! WHY WHY WHY if you're one of those people Just kill your self sure your famous Now but millions of people wish you were dead congratulations *Sarcasm* it hurts me to think all the Family members that wont see their sons daughters cousins aunts uncles moms dads aunts and uncles JUST WHY! .... and On top of that i know i'm gonna piss a couple people off and that's fine but the picture floating around FB saying if this dude wasn't white he would be Dead already the Dude is on trial because its the law if it were up to me YES HE WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT ON POINT! but he wasn't people have to make so many different controversies out of one tragedy the focus isn't on the color of this man FOR CHRIST SAKE people were Killed lives ended quit worrying about skin color for one freaking minute a criminal is a criminal!
But on other news thank Goodness for the Kind hearted Christian Bale that is in Aurora right now visiting with the victims that survived the shooting

DUDE! What IN THE WORLD is the matter with People know the shooting in Aurora was a couple of days ago but dear God why? all these selfish crazy people ... 4 of the 12 men that were killed were shot covering there girlfriends the last thing one of those poor girlfriends heard from her BF "was Don't worry baby its gonna be ok" before he was shot and Killed! a baby was shot and killed it just amazes ME!!! WHY WHY WHY if you're one of those people Just kill your self sure your famous Now but millions of people wish you were dead congratulations *Sarcasm* it hurts me to think all the Family members that wont see their sons daughters cousins aunts uncles moms dads aunts and uncles JUST WHY! .... and On top of that i know i'm gonna piss a couple people off and that's fine but the picture floating around FB saying if this dude wasn't white he would be Dead already the Dude is on trial because its the law if it were up to me YES HE WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT ON POINT! but he wasn't people have to make so many different controversies out of one tragedy the focus isn't on the color of this man FOR CHRIST SAKE people were Killed lives ended quit worrying about skin color for one freaking minute a criminal is a criminal!
But on other news thank Goodness for the Kind hearted Christian Bale that is in Aurora right now visiting with the victims that survived the shooting

I've always said that kids have no business in a movie theater for various reasons... Now I feel even more strongly about it. That guy had no business going into a theater shooting it up either, though, no one expects a child to die in these situations.