Got into a big fight with my boyfriend for a few hours tonight. It started with me complaining that he was giving other girls too much attention, and not giving me enough. We've been through a lot, he's lied to me a lot and this is definitely not the first time this fight has happened. We almost decided to break up tonight upon apologizing to each other...
I feel horrible. I know a lot of this stupid, awful fighting is my fault simply for being jealous and petty. He has done a lot to make things up to me and way too often I end up treating him like shit and making his life so much worse when I could be the thing to make it so much better. I feel like the biggest bitch in the world.
But it's so hard for me to get rid of these petty, jealous feelings. :( No matter how much I beat myself up and try to stop, I always end up thinking and acting like this. I make assumptions and over analyze tiny things he does and then start stupid bitch arguments about it. I legitimately don't know what to do to stop myself from doing this and thinking like this and I hate myself for it.
Someone please give me advice.