My friends and I have been participating in the Strasbourg's Zombie Walk which mark the opening of the European Fantastic Film Festivall since the first one in 2009.
As someone who loves making costumes and is a fan of horror culture, it's a great opportunity to have fun with my friends! We make costume themed groups each year, and had so much fun to play our roles, make the costume and the props. Since we are a large group, we do all the makeup ourself, but there always is talented makeup stand there for zombiefied any participants! Thanks to them!
Now, here is some picture spam of those differents Zombie walk that I collect through times!
I was so thin, and my tattoo sleeve wasn't here yet!

You can recognize me by my VIVID ORANGE HAIR.

My best friend even made a cute little art for me! <3


As huge fans of Carnivale and the last year wining film of the festival Balada Triste, we made a circus themed group. This year, I didn't have as much work on costume... well, not really, only less to makes! I made our twin's costumes, Pierrot's one, adjust the old costume vest as a tail vest for our magician, and pin the Strong Men costume. Waha and MachetePixer helped me on the makeup. And this time, Machete was a zombie!
It was so much fun! We made small representation of "our show", and Machete scared a lot of people with his... magic trick. :')

And you? Did you ever had done a Zombie Walk?
Well, see you next time for a more living blog! Have a nice day!