There is something wrong with my dogs' ass.She keeps scooting on my carpet and last month I took her to the vet and she got her anal glands expressed and now I have to take her back again and he might advise to have them surgically removed.I read that smaller dogs are prone to this.(She is a corgi mix.)Anyway,when they express her ag's the smell... Read More
oh yeah i forgot.. my career goal is to be a special education teacher, then to do research and program analysis at a university someday with my doctorate. i know it takes its toll on people, but i love it.. makes me happy to make a difference...
I wanted to keep my last journal up because I had comments!Ha!Check me out!Anyway,I would just like to say that I finally saw "Mulholland Drive" and it is either brilliant or a piece of shit.I'm not really sure yet but I've been thinking about it for a couple of days now so obviously it left an impression on me.The only thing I really don't like... Read More
Life is funny.Sometimes I think my dog does things to me just because she knows it pisses me off.I take her with me to work and drop her off at a sorta "doggie day care" and everyday she gets right between the window/driver door and the driver's seat to look out the window.Every day she elbows and paws my shoulder to death and every day... Read More
Hello world!So this is my first journal entry(sans the pirate entry) and have a strange feeling no one will see this.Oh well,I'll just pretend this is my private journal liken to the one I kept when I was 11.I think there is another armegeddon going down in San Diego.All day all I have heard is fire trucks and helicopters going by.I think most of the... Read More