My Baby Hedgehog Chaos
Last thursday i went to pick up my baby boy hedgehog from the breeder! I wanted to share some pics of him with you guys I think he is cute as hell ... very unique pet for sure! He is only about 8 weeks old and he is an apricot hedgehog. I have two males and one female currently and im trying to get into breeding them. I figure i love animals what an awesome job that would be and i could still work from home and spend time with my son
Tomorrow i will be putting the males and females together for 7 days to ensure breeding! Cross your fingers for me that in two months ill have my very first litter of heggies! I cant wait to see the color combinations of the babies .. mom heggies have 3 to 6 babies at a time but sometimes as few as one!
he's pretty awesome
be careful...the parents have a tendency to eat the babies sometimes.