I'm back. Not that much to talk. I'm enjoying at maximum the site, I have lots of sets ready and zipped here in my computer. When my signing expire, I'll renovate it. Liked so much of here, got happy on seeing that in my first post come american people sent me welcome and etc, and of course, the brazilians. And lot of people added me. Ah, sorry for not benig posting always, but I don't know anything in English; I guess I even understand, but write... nope. My life is in a hurry and at the same time, slow. Lots of things to do, school, courses to get a job in the Brazilian market, preparaive course, these kinds of stuff. I miss my past life, calm, without much to do, just going to school. But life's like this, if you don't walk, never get out of place, you understand, don' you?
That's all then, kisses and a great week 4 everyone.
P.S.: thanks to my brother Boz... ops, Bruno for passing this post to English.LOL.
That's all then, kisses and a great week 4 everyone.
P.S.: thanks to my brother Boz... ops, Bruno for passing this post to English.LOL.
Your picture of you is really lovely
Thank you! What a cool picture that is of you!