a little cheerless and crestfallen with my school,the people are not united in my class,boring peoples,selfish and blablabla.i feel so lonely there,i miss a persons,of a person that should be realy my friend,im lost...i dont now if im hold up this for long time,if i could,i stay in home everyday for not having to look for those people's face shit!I hope get out from there,and make another school.i hope I hope the vacations come soon.So,im still doing gym,im a little addict lol,but im rehearse with wonderful peoples
So,the last night Brasil suffered the largest blackout since 1985,18 cities were without light,im lucky because me and my family we were home.
So,how im not more camera,im post some pics from last night...dark...all dark...
so,i really greateful for all lovely comments,sorry for me not to be reply you, I hope to do that soon.
xoxo for all.

So,the last night Brasil suffered the largest blackout since 1985,18 cities were without light,im lucky because me and my family we were home.
So,how im not more camera,im post some pics from last night...dark...all dark...

so,i really greateful for all lovely comments,sorry for me not to be reply you, I hope to do that soon.
xoxo for all.

Don't worry about the other people, just keep doing your thing! Plus, your photos are awesome! What was the black out like?
I heard on the news about the Blackout. Did they say what the reason was?