Hi! How are you all? It's 4:40 a.m in Buenos Aires, it's too late to be a tuesday haha. I wanna tell you that i've found a job! I'm really happy because it fits with my study. 
Also want to tell youuuuu that i've made a new set!
shooted by Anemona Here's some previews...

Hope you like it

And the backstage? ahah

Sorry for taking so long to answer the messages, i been busy.
Last friday was the birthday of a friend and we decided to get dress with dark clothes and call the party "the manson party" let me introduce you the girls...
(The left to right) there's _izumi_, Maia, Morba, Madeleine, Mica, And me
It was awesome :3
so i really hope you like the previews, soon you'll see more
Kisses to who's reading


Also want to tell youuuuu that i've made a new set!

Hope you like it

And the backstage? ahah

Sorry for taking so long to answer the messages, i been busy.
Last friday was the birthday of a friend and we decided to get dress with dark clothes and call the party "the manson party" let me introduce you the girls...

so i really hope you like the previews, soon you'll see more

Kisses to who's reading

tck tck