Great news! So, only 2 months after my 21st birthday I finally lost my virginity. YAY! And it only took 21 years..........god I'm glad its over, it was like all this anticipation building up and now that its over it was no big deal(it just hurt like hell) but its nice to finally have it out of the way.

Anyway I just thought I would...
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gawd, it feels quite strange to be the first person here to say it: good for you smile)))

i hope it went well, and with the right person !

now that IT is ouf of the way, you can start having fun ;-)

i actaully waited tell i was 21 as well not cause of lack of oposite sex more just waiting for the right person to give that to. But yeah it wasnt to much of a big deal for me either........ See you around........
oh my, I haven't updated forever. School started and I have just been so busy, the whole moving thing and all.

My classes are pretty cool and make me feel smart and cultured. My two favorites are Survey of Art and Contemporary European Culture. Seeing as I would like to work in a muesem one day and travel Europe, it works good for me.

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get in touch with me if you want to meet or hang or chat or just talk on the phone. My # is 233.4180. No strings attached, in fact, I'm involved in my own little worrrrllllldddd.
hullo darling, seems we have quite a bit in common, so just thought i'd introduce myself.. um.. hi. biggrin
WOW!!!! Finally back from New Orleans! OMG, it was soooooooooooo much fun, I love it there more now than I ever have. There is so much about my trip to tell and I just can't write it all down. I have hope of going back someday. Maybe living there. I love it.

But yeah, too much to write about.........but it is nice to be home....
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good to hear from you. Stay in touch. LSU and Oklahoma are playing right now, LSU ahead of course. STay friends. Call me next time you are so close to me (ie Blackfoot). Love ya bye. smile
Well good luck on your freedom away from home. I tend to be more of a loner so I understand the benefits of being alone. In fact, I prefer it. So there is nothing wrong with being alone. Although having friends is a good thing too but just not too many especially at one time. I'm not good with crowds. You can handle anything that you want handle.

Email me sometime if you ever need to talk. I'm cool like that. Later.
Ok, I have some votes for pics. Well I will do that but first I have to get some. I think I will post some after my trip to New Orleans, hopefully get some good pics there. But I will see what I can do. kiss kiss
Love your pic, I heart Ewan love
are we friends? I love tapping the vein
So, ladies and gentleman, I have made the desion to get my nipples pierced and take some naughty pics. But of course it will have to wait at least 2 months. I have to get my nerve and the money up.

Anyway, I will be leaving in 6 days for Portland, then off to N.O. I can't wait. Woooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get excited way to easy....
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I wouldnt try and set a specific date on the whole virginity thing I would aim more towards asking some people you are attracted to out. Most single guys if asked out by a girl would nearly always say yes, so I would try not to get to concerned about rejection if you did ask a guy out, just remember women hold all the power in dating so use it to your advantage. One night stands are of no benefit to anyone as they only result in someone getting hurt so I would not recommend doing anything to that effect. Anyway Cya and good luck with what you choose to do.
yes! lets see pics!
Well, my best friend Micheal who lives in SLC has decided to move to Portland. That makes me happy cause when he moved from here I was sad but then I went up and visited all the time or he was coming here. And then I was moving up to Portland for school this summer and was afraid i wouldn't see him anymore, but now...
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Hmmm, no pics posted. Oh well,
Nice to meet you ^_^

Oh, wait. I'm not Bob.

Yep. I found you on Dating Sucks and I am now signing up for the 2003 Virgin Countdown. This could be the best reading since the Hitchhiker's Guide.
hi lavynia
So, I have decided that kareoke is not something people should do.....ever. I spent lastnight at a dive bar in the middle of nowhere listening to some Mexican guy butchering Every rose has its Thorn. It made me so sad. There were some enjoyable moments and songs but then they decided they should end the night with that country song about where were you on...
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Usually I would say, TGIF! But not today, all that means today is that I have a week until my research paper is due. Fuck. But on the bright side it means 11 till Return of the King and I will also be in Portland that day and then be flying out to New Orleans on that Saturday!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

On another note, that also means...
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I think its awesome that your still a virgin... be proud of that... it means you have some seriouse morals and your not afraid to say 'I want the best!'
next time i go down your way.... i have to drag you out to party! or drag you up here to party...
YAY!!!! All of my English classes have been canceled till the end of the semester so that we can have time to work on our research paper. I am happy. God my life is boring.

Yeah, that's about it today. I bought Pirate of the CaribbeanARRR!!! . I love that movie. And yeah, that's it.

BORED TO DEATH, SOMEONE BE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!! kiss (how pathetic am...
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Pirates is an awesome movie... it would probably suck if Johnny wern't in it... mmmmmm johnny... *drools*
Well nothing interesting has happened today. I do have to get crackin on my Research paper that is due next week, 6-8 pages and I haven't even started. I am doing it on why the lunar cycle is important in Pagan rituals and celebrations. It will be fun.

Yeah boring me, that's about it for now.