I'm broke. I keep trying to find ways to make more money to support myself, but I'm still broke. I have my job at Spencer's, but they've cut my hours. I have my jewelry making and I was lucky enough to have a handful of sales for a few weeks. Can't afford to make new pieces as of right now and no more orders are coming in. Modeling I'm still doing as a hobby. A hobby that I may need to quit because I can't afford it either. Birthdays are coming up. Father's day. My sisters graduation. Medical bills when I haven't even been to the doctor in months (and desperately need to, to find out if I have Hypothyroidism) Why am I telling you this? I should be telling family or friends right? Well...
To be honest, I wish I wasn't, but I have no one else to tell really.
Mostly, I'm just hoping to pick at some of your brains. I know it's a bit much sharing such personal information here, but I'm not embarrassed. I'm human and we all go through tough shit. Maybe some of you awesome members have an idea of what I can try or what I can do to make some extra cash?
Maybe some photos of @zephi and I will get your brains going. :)
I refuse to give up trying. I'm to passionate. And frankly to stubborn.
For my next blog, what would you like to hear from me?
We'll talk soon!