More photos on my phone, but in the meantime.
Here was my week:
I babysat a lot, studied a lot, drove a lot, and now smoked a lot. I'm very excited to start shooting again this month and next month. I have really cool concepts coming up along with hopefully more SG sets in the future and publications soon.
I started reading a new comic book series this week called Fairest from the Fables series by Bill Willingham. And I have to tell you I'm only on the second book, but I AM IN LOVE. It is this epic as fuck twisted combination of fables you remember from your childhood and Disney movies. The chicks are so bad ass and the stories flow together so well. It's genius and it's giving me photo shoot inspiration.
I have a pretty important styling job coming up that I'm completely nervous for. I'll keep that hush for now.
Being newly vegetarian this busy semester is hard. Any body have advice for a good quick veggie meals? I've discovered that I'm not very good at cooking interesting veggies.
I've also been enjoying the series Weeds, making jewelry for my awesome new customers, training Parkour, and reading my Beautiful Creatures series that I still have yet to finish.
Anyway one last thing before I go. I was watching the SG documentary again for the millionth time and it never fails to make me that much more passionate about this community. I had to just stress that one more time.
This site is such a big part of my life. I do hope I can have the pleasure of being more closely involved as an official SG. I'm so happy to see some of my closest hopeful friends slowly turning pink.
I'm off to work. I hope to blog more later.<3