So I've decided I'm not going to start using my tumblr frequently until I build a bigger fan base.
Besides that I've had a lot on my mind lately. Lot's of personal issues and I'm in desperate need of change. However, modeling has been so much fun and taking my mind off A LOT. I will continue to do it until I become an SG then see where things go from there.
On a less serious note. I took some photos today, just for the hell of it. Enjoy xoxo
Besides that I've had a lot on my mind lately. Lot's of personal issues and I'm in desperate need of change. However, modeling has been so much fun and taking my mind off A LOT. I will continue to do it until I become an SG then see where things go from there.
On a less serious note. I took some photos today, just for the hell of it. Enjoy xoxo
Well you'll pick up a fan base large enough, soon enough. Hope things get better or at least lighter for you over there.
very very sexy :3 <3