I've had this greenish/blue color since January. I'm a natural brunette and have only touched up my roots once at a salon. I normally always do the coloring myself and go to the salon for bleaching beforehand. But this time I'm doing it at home with a friend to save money, since I've dyed my hair myself a ton of times in the past already anyway.
Usually, I use manic panic in atomic turquoise over my already green hair to get a perfect shade of greeny blue. Since my roots are about an inch grown out and the color I have is pretty faded from chlorine/sun/washing, I decided to try something different. I want my hair to be more on the blue side and I also want my roots to gradually fade into the rest of my hair after I bleach them. So I decided I'm going to tone my hair first with manic panic virgin snow toner to get some of the green that's left in my hair out. (that way its more blue) Then bleach my roots carefully to a dark blonde, because that's what my hair was bleached to in the first place. Followed by dying my entire head using the turquoise another day after that.
Anyway my questions to you ladies are. What are your favorite brands of semi-permanent hair dye? Should I tone my hair after or before I bleach my roots? Do you think using the straight turqouise on my fresh dirty blonde roots will make it a different color from the rest of my head? (The color of my hair has been an ombre blue green since the beginning because the ends of my hair were much darker than my virgin roots)
Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

I've had this greenish/blue color since January. I'm a natural brunette and have only touched up my roots once at a salon. I normally always do the coloring myself and go to the salon for bleaching beforehand. But this time I'm doing it at home with a friend to save money, since I've dyed my hair myself a ton of times in the past already anyway.
Usually, I use manic panic in atomic turquoise over my already green hair to get a perfect shade of greeny blue. Since my roots are about an inch grown out and the color I have is pretty faded from chlorine/sun/washing, I decided to try something different. I want my hair to be more on the blue side and I also want my roots to gradually fade into the rest of my hair after I bleach them. So I decided I'm going to tone my hair first with manic panic virgin snow toner to get some of the green that's left in my hair out. (that way its more blue) Then bleach my roots carefully to a dark blonde, because that's what my hair was bleached to in the first place. Followed by dying my entire head using the turquoise another day after that.
Anyway my questions to you ladies are. What are your favorite brands of semi-permanent hair dye? Should I tone my hair after or before I bleach my roots? Do you think using the straight turqouise on my fresh dirty blonde roots will make it a different color from the rest of my head? (The color of my hair has been an ombre blue green since the beginning because the ends of my hair were much darker than my virgin roots)
Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!