πŸ₯³ One week until my birthday.πŸ₯³

Starting 28th i have the answer to everything 😁

If you wanted to give me a gift, then please dont send flowers or something.....

Instate i urge you to consider a small (or bigπŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ) donation to my birthday fundraising campagne, to help Heavenqueen cover the costs of our upcoming UK tour in December with Anna KiaRa .


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A UK tour that sounds awesome and I hope you have a great up coming birthday
Check our webside for the dates. It's the Anna Kiara & Heavenqueen tour.

Some of you lovely men asked me if it is possible to spoil me, send me gifts or reward me.

πŸ˜‰ Ofcours you can.

My wishlist includes items I would like to have for making new shoots.....

to use on the stage with my band Heavenqueen .......

or if you wanna spoil me rotten, then these items "for the band" would help me and my...
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I bought your single and it is wonderful
@littlejohn22 thank you so incredibly much!!!

Dear all, I would like to inform you that The HEAVENQUEEN Calendar is NOW in my bands webstore!!!

Be quick, because there are only 22 left😘

Order it in our webstore


With love 😘