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- on laverohq's photo
- on laverohq's photo
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🥳 One week until my birthday.🥳
Starting 28th i have the answer to everything 😁
If you wanted to give me a gift, then please dont send flowers or something.....
Instate i urge you to consider a small (or big😉😜) donation to my birthday fundraising campagne, to help Heavenqueen cover the costs of our upcoming UK tour in December with Anna KiaRa .
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Getting Kissed By The Sun
Hopeful Set
by dekkerto
Your Heavenqueen (after party)
Hopeful Set
by dekkerto
The discount code for 20% off, HQML20OFF is valid untill the 7th of March. On our Heavenqueen album, the downloads and the Heavenqueen Calendar. Get yours before the campaign closes at Https://heavenqueen.com/store With ordering our merchandise, you help us with financing the upcoming tour. As a new, still unsigned band going on tour for the first time, we can't do this without your support. Most pictures are made by Ton Dekkers With love Your Heavenqueen 😘
In the comfort of my living room
Hopeful Set
by dekkerto
Some of you lovely men asked me if it is possible to spoil me, send me gifts or reward me.
😉 Ofcours you can.
My wishlist includes items I would like to have for making new shoots.....
to use on the stage with my band Heavenqueen .......
or if you wanna spoil me rotten, then these items "for the band" would help me and my...
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I feel victorious and loved. Sinds the age of 18 I have already a colostomy bag. In my early 20's I was published in the Dutch in Playboy Magazine and afterwards,I was invited to come to America to the mansion.Become a bunny and model in the international version of the magazine. Before I would go, I've wrote a polite email with mentioning me having a colostomy bag. And that I had worked with a photographer who knew how to keep it best out of sight. As a result they wrote back that it was good that I was not already there. Otherwise they had send me back home on my own expenses. This really did a number on my self-esteem. AND NOW THIS!! Truly happy with the reaction from Suiside Girls. Thank you for giving me back the opportunity to love myself just as I am... Photographer : Ton Dekkers - Interdependent Photo