Teehee!! I want a lightsaber, have you ever seen the episode of How I Met Your Mother when Marshall carves the turkey with one? Thats the dream anyway
Cok is an amazing city, Ive only ever been down there for nights out, but they've always been good ones. Plus you can be close to a city, to the countryside and to the sea, its got everything. I'm not a big fan of Dublin, but I've gotten better with it in the last couple of years, dont think I could live there though.
CITES Parties Reject Shark Proposals By a Narrow Margin
Assistant Secretary Tom Strickland, head of the U.S. Delegation to the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), expressed disappointment that the Parties did not grant protection to four species of sharks considered today at the meeting of the Conference of... Read More