Hey love birds 🐦 it's definitely been a while!
From mid September I've been incredibly busy with my jobs and I'm pretty sure things will keep being hectic until probably mid December, when people will start to realize Christmas is around the corner - from then on, the standard answer to anything is "we'll think about it next year", forgetting about the rush of few days before. This has always made me laugh.
Through this madness, been able to shoot with old and new friends, taking pictures I love like this one I've posted.
After almost 2 years, I've been able to go back snowboarding 😍 Snow wansn't a lot yet, but the beautiful Stubai glacier (in Tyrol) made me fall in love.
Fun-but-no-fun fact: I lost my phone there. It was old and I was already planning to get a new one more suitable for creating contents, but I wasn't ready to such a violent separation 😅
I've discovered that 2-steps-authentication can be a real pain in the ass when you lose your device abroad - you basically lose access to everything for days.
I like to think that my phone will be found in thousands years by space visitors and they'll be able to decript the data, find all my nudes, lots of memes, cat pictures and pole dancing videos - they'll end up getting a really weird opinion of humans that used to walk the Earth! 🤣
Once at home things haven't improved a lot, since I managed to do a wrong a maneuver I do everyday with my car, ending up this time against a guard rail. Unfortunately, the guard rail was broken and even if I was driving very very slow, one of the doors got seriously damaged (metal sheet got basically cut!).
How come cars and everything related to them is that incredibly expensive?! The bill I got is so high 😪
Wish I could just bike everywhere!
You can always support me by joining the naked fun on my page: onlyfans.com/brokendollhatesyou 🖤
Did I tell you that in less than two month I'll be back with a new set shot by @mel_z ??? 😍 I cannot wait to show you what we did together!
Are you curious?!
Stay tuned for some previews!