Prepare for a huuuuge, saucy blog post as I've been off for something like twenty days and I've so much to talk about. You ready?!
Let me start with the Festa della Libert (fuck, even the translation for english speaker sounds ber cool, "Freedom Fest"!). Like every first weekend of August, in Zocca, a small town on the mountains not that far from where I live, a local no-profit association organizes three days of free music, free camping and cheap food - and booze, of course - in order to promote local bands. It's always amazing and this years hasn't been an exception.
Too bad I was too drunk and busy being happy with friends, so I didn't take any pic - what a shame! Gotta upload two pics I've found online.
This was the party locations:

And this was the dawn, sunday morning:

Place was great, music was great, people even greater: my love, my gals, my friends... I loved it
Few days after that crazy weekend, the bf and I left for almost two weeks of pure realx and pleasure in Krk island, in the north of Croatia.
I couldn't believe that crystal water was the Adriatic see, 'cause on its italian side it looks like a gutter (due to the Po river's delta, I guess). Anyway, the sea was enchanting:

Buying the croatian currency - called "kuna" - is still rather cheap, and so it's life cost, especially when it comes to food: grilled meat, lots of vegetables and fresh fish is what we ate during our staying.

Healthy food, swimming and walking a lot every day, sunbathing... I was about to forget my bad habits

We made new friends at the camping, too bad we couldn't take 'em home...

Now, getting back to everyday life sucks big balls but it's something I have to do.
I'm gonna face few changes these upcoming months. As some of you might know, I graduated and got my Bachelor degree in Science of the Communication last May. I wanted (and still want) to take a Master degree too, so I was planning to go back on the books in September. Fact is I couldn't figure out yet what aspect of what I've studied I'm interested the most in.
Writing, yes... but writing what? Journalism? And what kind of journalism? Video-making? Exactly, writing a subject, filming or editing?
Money is extremely tight at the moment and I don't want to waste it on a bad choice, so I've decided to wait and find a job.
Somebody pointed me out that a large-distribution organization, which is a Coop and not a s.p.a., was looking for neo-graduated people for their annual apprenticeship course for "junior floor managers".
After five stressful steps of selection (made of an aptitude test, tte--tte job interviews and a group test with other candidates), I've been chosen with 9 other guys among an hundred of candidates. From September to March I'll have to follow classes and work under the supervision of a tutor, I'll have to work on my own project and - at the end of the course - I'll be tested and evaluated. Salary it's low (but better than nothing at all!), but it's an interesting opportunity and it's a "softer" way to enter the world of Working People - 'cause yes, I've worked before, but not on a regular base and for long periods of time, and I've always considered myself more a student making some money, than an actual "worker".
Also, I won't waste too much money on gas or public transportation, 'cause I can easily reach the workplace from both my home and my boyfriend's place - which is something heartwarming, as I feared I would have to see him a lot less.
I don't know what to expect from this experience, let's see what will happen... I'll let you know. I'm trying to stay as optimistic as I can
Obviously, there will be dark sides too, like the fact that I'll have to take a hiatus from modeling as I won't have the time for it. Don't worry, I'm not giving up! Just be prepared to be flooded with trashy and amateurish cam pics, and keep faith in the arrival of Spring, with other professional and respectable shoots of yours truly
Talking to pictures, one of my last works before the hiatus will be the shooting for The Fable Girls, the one YOU made me win! I don't have enough words to tell everyone of you who voted on my pics how much I'm grateful. Just, thanks. Really!
I'll keep you updated with the developing of this great project, I can't wait myself for shooting it and seeing the results, and what will come next.
Again, thank you for all the love you're spreading on minus clothes. In few weeks it'll be an year since Lavezzaro and I met in dirty Milano to shoot it. We had lots of fun and I'm sure you can tell it but my faces in the pictures.
I still think it deserves to get bought, and if you agree with me keep on loving: we won't be featured on the main page, but we will keep track of your affection, and treating it as a source of inspiration for the next sets.
Time to go, see you around here folks!
your Lauretta