I guess this is where I whine or say something with a deeper meaning.
What? Got nothing? Well thats unusual.. Cmon, there must be something! Whine about how Im all alone and bored, perhaps?
Well.. Why should I? Its not like I enjoy anybodys company.. Theres only people Id like to "rape", but other than that, people really annoy me.. So its my own fault really.. And that pretty much takes care of the bored thing too..
Well, not really, since people can do stuff without being social.. Like playing a game or the likes..
... Am I an idiot? What have I been doing since the start of the vacation? Hell, before that even.. Its the same boring shit over and over again, the only reason I ever play games is to do something else than sleep, which we both know Id rather be doing.
... Good point, but still. Hmm.. Okay! How about whining about how much Im suffering and in pain then?
Nah.. Im not really suffering at all.. Whats there to suffer from? Besides boredom I mean.. But then again, Im not exactly jumping up and down now am I..
Gah.. What else.. How about some deeper meaning shit?
Hmm.. Whats there to get deep about? Theres no lesson to be learned from it anyway, since in the end.. Im gonna be dead, just like everybody else.. So why bother with that?
Gah... Then what the Hell am I supposed to write in this thing?
Nothing? I mean, why should I? What changes from writing in it? What do I gain?
Nothing.. Well, I get to waste time thinking about something to write.. But other than that.
In other words: Nothing.
Well, then whyd I bother writing in it?
To be honest, I have no idea.. Cause Im bored perhaps? *shrugs* Who knows, or cares for that matter.. Whats done is done.
Well.. Then what should I do now? Go to bed? Its only 17.38..
Go to bed.
But.. I dont want to.
I dont..?
...Im not sure.
Go to bed.
Yeah.. Go to bed, thats what Ill do.
What? Got nothing? Well thats unusual.. Cmon, there must be something! Whine about how Im all alone and bored, perhaps?
Well.. Why should I? Its not like I enjoy anybodys company.. Theres only people Id like to "rape", but other than that, people really annoy me.. So its my own fault really.. And that pretty much takes care of the bored thing too..
Well, not really, since people can do stuff without being social.. Like playing a game or the likes..
... Am I an idiot? What have I been doing since the start of the vacation? Hell, before that even.. Its the same boring shit over and over again, the only reason I ever play games is to do something else than sleep, which we both know Id rather be doing.
... Good point, but still. Hmm.. Okay! How about whining about how much Im suffering and in pain then?
Nah.. Im not really suffering at all.. Whats there to suffer from? Besides boredom I mean.. But then again, Im not exactly jumping up and down now am I..
Gah.. What else.. How about some deeper meaning shit?
Hmm.. Whats there to get deep about? Theres no lesson to be learned from it anyway, since in the end.. Im gonna be dead, just like everybody else.. So why bother with that?
Gah... Then what the Hell am I supposed to write in this thing?
Nothing? I mean, why should I? What changes from writing in it? What do I gain?
Nothing.. Well, I get to waste time thinking about something to write.. But other than that.
In other words: Nothing.
Well, then whyd I bother writing in it?
To be honest, I have no idea.. Cause Im bored perhaps? *shrugs* Who knows, or cares for that matter.. Whats done is done.
Well.. Then what should I do now? Go to bed? Its only 17.38..
Go to bed.
But.. I dont want to.
I dont..?
...Im not sure.
Go to bed.
Yeah.. Go to bed, thats what Ill do.
nixon done
no prob, second one is done now