so we didn't get the apartment. the manager guy rented it to someone else before we could even see it. oh well. there's more apartments in this city. hopefully. i'm kinda bummed cause i was looking forward to moving soon. ohhhhhhhh welllllll. seattle soon. meaning i can spend more money than i was originally going to spend. so this is good. i shopped a little by myself today. shopping by myself makes me depressed for some reason. although shopping with other people annoys me. had a date with Malloreigh yesterday. showed her value village and had my very first vegan pizza. the ham tastes like real ham! this vegan thing might be easier than i thought. spent the night at paul's last night. i hadn't slept there in a while and it was nice. except i had to wake up early and then not get the apartment. grr. i took the rest of the week off work with pay to 'recover' from being sick. i think i have an ear infection but i refuse to go to the doctor cause they're just going to give me stupid antibiotics and i don't like antibiotics. stupid walk in clinics, stupid doctors. grr.
well i'm off to find us a new apartment to attempt to get. bye all.
well i'm off to find us a new apartment to attempt to get. bye all.
cook and pandora
yes. that would be good.
are you able to come to the roxy tomorrow? or too sick
ok good!! is your boy coming? shall we meet there atttt 6.45?