Okay time for an update that lasts longer than 2 sentences! How's everyone been doing? I forgot how much I love this site/community. I've been gone for so long and it's so so nice to be back. So much has changed since last summer when I was last writing regularly on here. It's almost this summer, hooray!
My last blogs have been so cryptic and emo, broken hearts and shattered glass, me hurting because I knew I would wind up hurting other people. Well that's all changed. I was smiling while I was reading this from last July: "one who makes me smile and feel so not like a robot that i don't even wanna touch him, i'm afraid i'll turn him to ice and stone... such a good person, and someone i need to be around because he makes me wanna be a good person."
Allllll my lovely friends said I would ruin him, he was so doting and so wonderful that I was sure to just chew him up and spit him out. Well, that boy stuck around and all this time later he is still quite doting and wonderful, and taught me that in a real relationship, people walk side by side... it's the first time I'm with somoene who when I look for him, he's right next to me, I'm not running to catch up, or always looking behind me so he won't lose me. He's my partner in crime, finally the person I was looking for to tame me and keep me grounded and wild at the same time.
In the same respects of being domesticated, I've started a day job, back working with little kids again, or as I like to call them, nibblits. I cut my crazy 6 nights a week at the restaurant down to 3, and on the days I work I don't go out, which means I finally have a slightly normal schedule with weekends for me, and weekdays to make nice dinner, see a movie, and do other things that don't involve my usual binge drinking.
As a direct result of the less binge drinking, less restaurant shifts and the going to the gym about 3 times a week I've started losing weight and feeling a bit better about myself, lost 10 lbs so far and only 16 more to go till I get back down to what I was in college. We'll see if that happens, my fondness for french fries and onion rings might be the death of me just yet. But I'm not going too crazy with it. Whst is life without good food for fucks sake?!
Alright time for dinner... off I go to cook a lovely seasoned turlkey burger. And don't forget!! nullI have a set going up for member review on May 27th at 2:29pm!! Check me out, I love the set, it's from when I first moved to Boston and was painting my room... it's called "Painted", and I hope hope hope it's well liked, I would like going pink very much....
Enjoy some recent pictures...
slipintonite and I took a vacation to Ireland last February. It was amazing....

Most decent, party nights in Allston....

St. Patrick's Day with the boy in Southie...

My last blogs have been so cryptic and emo, broken hearts and shattered glass, me hurting because I knew I would wind up hurting other people. Well that's all changed. I was smiling while I was reading this from last July: "one who makes me smile and feel so not like a robot that i don't even wanna touch him, i'm afraid i'll turn him to ice and stone... such a good person, and someone i need to be around because he makes me wanna be a good person."
Allllll my lovely friends said I would ruin him, he was so doting and so wonderful that I was sure to just chew him up and spit him out. Well, that boy stuck around and all this time later he is still quite doting and wonderful, and taught me that in a real relationship, people walk side by side... it's the first time I'm with somoene who when I look for him, he's right next to me, I'm not running to catch up, or always looking behind me so he won't lose me. He's my partner in crime, finally the person I was looking for to tame me and keep me grounded and wild at the same time.

In the same respects of being domesticated, I've started a day job, back working with little kids again, or as I like to call them, nibblits. I cut my crazy 6 nights a week at the restaurant down to 3, and on the days I work I don't go out, which means I finally have a slightly normal schedule with weekends for me, and weekdays to make nice dinner, see a movie, and do other things that don't involve my usual binge drinking.
As a direct result of the less binge drinking, less restaurant shifts and the going to the gym about 3 times a week I've started losing weight and feeling a bit better about myself, lost 10 lbs so far and only 16 more to go till I get back down to what I was in college. We'll see if that happens, my fondness for french fries and onion rings might be the death of me just yet. But I'm not going too crazy with it. Whst is life without good food for fucks sake?!
Alright time for dinner... off I go to cook a lovely seasoned turlkey burger. And don't forget!! nullI have a set going up for member review on May 27th at 2:29pm!! Check me out, I love the set, it's from when I first moved to Boston and was painting my room... it's called "Painted", and I hope hope hope it's well liked, I would like going pink very much....

Enjoy some recent pictures...
slipintonite and I took a vacation to Ireland last February. It was amazing....

Most decent, party nights in Allston....

St. Patrick's Day with the boy in Southie...

giving or receiving?
lovely set!