for a moment there i thought i was broken, little one done weasled in and reaked a bit of havok on my brain, pretty sure that for a month or so there i was being so emo it was almost... okay, most definatly the lamest thing ever.
little one still popping up once and again, but at least i'm back on track with over-riding feelings with better feelings, and replacment.
one who makes me smile and feel so not like a robot that i don't even wanna touch him, i'm afraid i'll turn him to ice and stone... such a good person, and someone i need to be around because he makes me wanna be a good person.
and one other who fits the mold and the scene, funny how everyone is interconnected, but not really funny at all.
i keep forgetting that allston isn't for reals a city. it's a commune of people who reduce, reuse, and recycle.
it's a fun feeling, the good stuff right before i mess it all up.
on a similar yet totally different boy kinda note, i miss slipintonite more than anything, my new schedule with the 2 jobs and new internship at the recording studio (how rad!!) isn't letting me just up and go see him for a day/night... it's sad. Here is the last time we hung out, I'm making the worst laughing face... what a crew: slipintonite, cadence, keelia, and me... oh what fun!

wanted to also give a shout out to stopsnitchin and sid for coming to visit me at work and have good food and beer... also to poppy and maryann for practically moving into my work... bestest girls i know, nuff said!
for a moment there i thought i was broken, little one done weasled in and reaked a bit of havok on my brain, pretty sure that for a month or so there i was being so emo it was almost... okay, most definatly the lamest thing ever.
little one still popping up once and again, but at least i'm back on track with over-riding feelings with better feelings, and replacment.
one who makes me smile and feel so not like a robot that i don't even wanna touch him, i'm afraid i'll turn him to ice and stone... such a good person, and someone i need to be around because he makes me wanna be a good person.

and one other who fits the mold and the scene, funny how everyone is interconnected, but not really funny at all.
i keep forgetting that allston isn't for reals a city. it's a commune of people who reduce, reuse, and recycle.
it's a fun feeling, the good stuff right before i mess it all up.
on a similar yet totally different boy kinda note, i miss slipintonite more than anything, my new schedule with the 2 jobs and new internship at the recording studio (how rad!!) isn't letting me just up and go see him for a day/night... it's sad. Here is the last time we hung out, I'm making the worst laughing face... what a crew: slipintonite, cadence, keelia, and me... oh what fun!

wanted to also give a shout out to stopsnitchin and sid for coming to visit me at work and have good food and beer... also to poppy and maryann for practically moving into my work... bestest girls i know, nuff said!
me, you, poppy this saturday..its on!
i have been at sunset a little too often. damn brooklyn brown and dirty penny.