I have many things on my mind. I can't pay my bills, or rent. I have a shit box of a car that will never be fixed. I am double scheduled at both my jobs tomorrow and am worried I'm going to get fired. I don't particularly feel too good right now, and I wish I could sleep but as of late, I haven't been sleeping well. I'm a glass half full kinda person, but lately (to quote my exboyfriend), I feel like someone has kicked my glass off the table, and it's broken into a million little shards, and no one will ever be able to put it together again....
I met a boy.
I always meet boys. I always have lots of boys on my mind. When I want boys around to keep me company, I have people I can call upon. But *this* boy, for some reason, in two days time managed to throw me for a loop. And apparently I have done the same for him. Is this what happens when two wicked emo people find each other? It's a sickening globby stupid mess of all the shit we say we don't believe in anymore? It's kinda funny, but this boy makes me *smiiiiiiile*. Of course, he lives far away. But I can't wait to see him again. It seriously almost makes me sick, how quickly my sorry excuse for a heart thawed out. I hope it doesn't drip on the carpet and make a mess.


i think i started finding him hot last week at his house when he said i can listen to whaaaatever i want. aaand i can get drunk too tonight, no salon for me in the morning!!
who the fuck knows.