This weekend was a blast. Friday night the Entourage came to visit: Kramit, Chino, Ed, Nelly, Ali, and LeAnn drove to Boston to see me and to have a night out in the city, and that we did! We had plenty of provisions to pregame at my apartment, and around 10:30 we were off to the Harp. It was something else to have my best friends come up and see the city that makes me so happy... met myself a boy as well, don't wanna mention too much about that, I'm sure I'll get bored or I''ll do something to fuck it up by the end of the week.
Saturday morning we all went out to breakfast at the Grecian diner and food was had, despite the majority of the group feeling like death had dealt them a royal flush. True story.

Saturday afternoon I went off to the 30 seconds to mars show, Head Automatica opened up and of course the show was amazing. I've never seen either bands live before, and Jared and Shannon Leto most definatly stole the show. Pretty sure Jared's eyes could light the way in the dark, and the black and red hair was a must have. I was a pretty happy girl: highlights included Fantasy, the NIN cover Closer, and of course, Capricorn and The Kill. I had to go to work right after next door, and my dressing area is the venue's backstage... so while Jared was no where to be found, I found myself sitting next to Shannon while putting on my makeup... I just smiled at him like an idiot. Good move.

Work tomorrow, miserab... Halloween festivities include a brief stint at Rumour tuesday night just to celebrate the actual evening... the theme is Heaven and Hell but I'm going as Mila Jovovich's character in Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Fuck theme's, I'm a gun and knife wielding zombie killer!

Saturday morning we all went out to breakfast at the Grecian diner and food was had, despite the majority of the group feeling like death had dealt them a royal flush. True story.

Saturday afternoon I went off to the 30 seconds to mars show, Head Automatica opened up and of course the show was amazing. I've never seen either bands live before, and Jared and Shannon Leto most definatly stole the show. Pretty sure Jared's eyes could light the way in the dark, and the black and red hair was a must have. I was a pretty happy girl: highlights included Fantasy, the NIN cover Closer, and of course, Capricorn and The Kill. I had to go to work right after next door, and my dressing area is the venue's backstage... so while Jared was no where to be found, I found myself sitting next to Shannon while putting on my makeup... I just smiled at him like an idiot. Good move.

Work tomorrow, miserab... Halloween festivities include a brief stint at Rumour tuesday night just to celebrate the actual evening... the theme is Heaven and Hell but I'm going as Mila Jovovich's character in Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Fuck theme's, I'm a gun and knife wielding zombie killer!