Today was rough. I'm starting to get sick, which is really unfortuante, especially because I work with children and have to be full energy all the time... anyways, spent Friday trying to go out and drink my face off as usual, but to my dismay the band that usually gets me going at my regular bar SUCKED, and I just wasnt feeling it. I'm pretty sure the most redeeming part of what is usually my favorite night of the week was walking into Herrell's and taking a minute to have some quiet, and a little pumpkin spice coffee. Saturday was spent sleeping, working till 2am at a club on Landsdowne... the once a week gig there is really paying for itself in free concert tickets and the abaility to "accidentally run into the band backstage". Sunday Jacob came over and we took pictures. He set up a fabulous studio in my bedroom and we attacked my walls with red, black and white and just laughed our asses off and I think everything turned out really well. More on that later I suppose, I haven't seen anything and don't want to jinx it.
We ate at Spike's, they have amazing brownies.
We ate at Spike's, they have amazing brownies.

I hope you don't get sick ...or at least get better soon