so as some of you are aware I have been absent for the last few days...
My very lovely pal flew me to scotland and brought me tickets to see a band for christmas , nice eh !
This adventure started at 4am when I got home from a night of ridiculousness with my friends in a club in cheltenham. I chucked some clothes into a bag and grabbed my passport then snoozed for a few hours till 6am. I then clawed my way out of my bed and into the shower, painted my face on and attempted to tame my hair . Jumped on my car and grabbed my pal. We drove over to the airport and tried to book a parking space over the phone before we got there ( bloody palaver that was !) From the airport we flew to chilli glasgow . Then just a little bus ride into the centre and a wonder around until we found the hotel..
Thank moses for iPhone and their map app or i would never find anything !
We where staying this this veryyyy lovely but very posh hotel in town which as soon as we managed to fight our way through the crazy revolving door felt very out of place in .. i don't think they get many tattooed , pierced, crazy hair individuals stay between their delightful sheets. However as soon as they had established we had booked and paid for there pleaser of there accommodation and wheren't just some mad tramps they where very welcoming ...
we dumped our stuff and went wondering ............Lots of wondering
The next day was the day of the show ...
The band we where going to see was Snow Patrol which i imagine all of you have heard of. Even a self confessed hardcore head such of my self couldn't help but fall head over heals for the beautiful melodies and lyrical genius which is snow patrol. Ever since i stumbled across their first few albums final straw and eyes wide open i have been hooked ! There are a certain few tracks that never fail to melt me; namely , run , chasing cars, chocolate .. to name a few.. Now sadly this isn't the kind of band you are likely to ever get the chance to see in a small intermit venue, which is where i prefer to see bands. However this giant of musical brilliance is capable and reducing an audience to a silent teary eyed mess or a sea of dancing and screaming fools in the larges stadiums and festivals, therefore if you ever get the chance i strongly suggest you go and let yourself get lost in their performance !
We did had a day to kill before the show so we decided to walk from the hotel all the way across what seemed like the whole of scotland ( in my rubbing ankle boots !) to the science museum where we spent hours being fascinated by all the rad stuff in a building shaped some what like a boat ... Then we went and had our minds blown by rockstar Gary Lightbody and Pals. You will never find a better audience than a bunch of scottish people ( like 10,000 people) dancing to one of their own home grown geniuses. The atmosphere was insane !
Also the support band Admiral Fallow are crazy good !!! check them out.
THEN we hovered back to the hotel still buzzing off the show.
The 3rd day i was lucky enough to visit one of my most favourite cites of the world, Edinburgh . After a lovely train journey which i spend staring out the window and being consumed by snow caped hills , endless fields, amazing houses, and other such scottish loveliness we spend the hole day strolling about, spending loads of money shopping and eating he most incredible cup cakes... nom ! I was in Heaven.
My adventure ended with one train ride, one bus ride, one 3 hour delay in the airport, one flight, and one car journey . Then i fell back into my bed at 4am again...
how was your weekend ?

so as some of you are aware I have been absent for the last few days...
My very lovely pal flew me to scotland and brought me tickets to see a band for christmas , nice eh !
This adventure started at 4am when I got home from a night of ridiculousness with my friends in a club in cheltenham. I chucked some clothes into a bag and grabbed my passport then snoozed for a few hours till 6am. I then clawed my way out of my bed and into the shower, painted my face on and attempted to tame my hair . Jumped on my car and grabbed my pal. We drove over to the airport and tried to book a parking space over the phone before we got there ( bloody palaver that was !) From the airport we flew to chilli glasgow . Then just a little bus ride into the centre and a wonder around until we found the hotel..
Thank moses for iPhone and their map app or i would never find anything !
We where staying this this veryyyy lovely but very posh hotel in town which as soon as we managed to fight our way through the crazy revolving door felt very out of place in .. i don't think they get many tattooed , pierced, crazy hair individuals stay between their delightful sheets. However as soon as they had established we had booked and paid for there pleaser of there accommodation and wheren't just some mad tramps they where very welcoming ...
we dumped our stuff and went wondering ............Lots of wondering
The next day was the day of the show ...
The band we where going to see was Snow Patrol which i imagine all of you have heard of. Even a self confessed hardcore head such of my self couldn't help but fall head over heals for the beautiful melodies and lyrical genius which is snow patrol. Ever since i stumbled across their first few albums final straw and eyes wide open i have been hooked ! There are a certain few tracks that never fail to melt me; namely , run , chasing cars, chocolate .. to name a few.. Now sadly this isn't the kind of band you are likely to ever get the chance to see in a small intermit venue, which is where i prefer to see bands. However this giant of musical brilliance is capable and reducing an audience to a silent teary eyed mess or a sea of dancing and screaming fools in the larges stadiums and festivals, therefore if you ever get the chance i strongly suggest you go and let yourself get lost in their performance !
We did had a day to kill before the show so we decided to walk from the hotel all the way across what seemed like the whole of scotland ( in my rubbing ankle boots !) to the science museum where we spent hours being fascinated by all the rad stuff in a building shaped some what like a boat ... Then we went and had our minds blown by rockstar Gary Lightbody and Pals. You will never find a better audience than a bunch of scottish people ( like 10,000 people) dancing to one of their own home grown geniuses. The atmosphere was insane !
Also the support band Admiral Fallow are crazy good !!! check them out.
THEN we hovered back to the hotel still buzzing off the show.
The 3rd day i was lucky enough to visit one of my most favourite cites of the world, Edinburgh . After a lovely train journey which i spend staring out the window and being consumed by snow caped hills , endless fields, amazing houses, and other such scottish loveliness we spend the hole day strolling about, spending loads of money shopping and eating he most incredible cup cakes... nom ! I was in Heaven.
My adventure ended with one train ride, one bus ride, one 3 hour delay in the airport, one flight, and one car journey . Then i fell back into my bed at 4am again...
how was your weekend ?

Sounds like it was a fun trip!