hey all. merry christmas, happy new year & all that. just realised i haven't posted in nearly a month. my membership is only for 3 months.. not going to extend it. maybe in the near future, but im just not getting out of it what I used to.
Anyway, from one extreme to the other. Was unemployed at the start of December, and now I...
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Anyway, from one extreme to the other. Was unemployed at the start of December, and now I...
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Wish you were still around! 

Watching Fight Club with a cup of coffee. Great.
I love the monologue Tyler does at one of the fight club meetings...
"Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and...
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I love the monologue Tyler does at one of the fight club meetings...
"Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and...
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"You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."
Tyler Durden
Is one of my favorite quotes ever!
Tyler Durden
Is one of my favorite quotes ever!
I don't really think I have agoraphobia as such. I can leave the house, i'm fine with that, i don't get anxious or anything about it like I did when all that happened to me. It's more of a case of.. not that I don't want to, I just don't bother most of the time. It's just that i'm so used to staying indoors that I don't even realise I haven't been anywhere for maybe a few weeks.
It does bring me some comfort.
I don't like knowing that you have gone through something similar.. don't get me wrong. But it is nice to know that someone else knows how I feel.
I think with my father, it's more than that. I don't really remember ever speaking to him all that much before anyway, or doing stuff together. I've never been a daddies girl. I've always been so close to my mum.
Its weird. Because my brother is kinda the same way with him. They never have conversations or really speak about anything, other than work, because they work together. And he has two son's from a previous marriage that we hardly even see. I just don't think he's very 'fatherly' to be honest.
It does bring me some comfort.
I don't like knowing that you have gone through something similar.. don't get me wrong. But it is nice to know that someone else knows how I feel.
I think with my father, it's more than that. I don't really remember ever speaking to him all that much before anyway, or doing stuff together. I've never been a daddies girl. I've always been so close to my mum.
Its weird. Because my brother is kinda the same way with him. They never have conversations or really speak about anything, other than work, because they work together. And he has two son's from a previous marriage that we hardly even see. I just don't think he's very 'fatherly' to be honest.

I saw your posting in the vouch thread for the PenPals group so I thought I would stop by and say hello.

I saw your posting in the vouch thread for the PenPals group so I thought I would stop by and say hello.

I could do with-
-Someone to help me dye my hair
-Someone to open the boxes I haven't touched since I moved house and check them for spiders for me since I've started selling their contents on eBay.
-A chocolate brownie
- Another cruisy week at work to get things done (I'm doing less than 30 hours this week but more than 70 next week)
-Someone to help me dye my hair
-Someone to open the boxes I haven't touched since I moved house and check them for spiders for me since I've started selling their contents on eBay.
-A chocolate brownie
- Another cruisy week at work to get things done (I'm doing less than 30 hours this week but more than 70 next week)
It sucks. I'm starting to get tired now too.. it's almost 11am but I have to wait for an engineer to come before I can go out and it's any time up to 6pm.
hoping he hurries up otherwise i'm going to be asleep! haha.
I dye it myself darling
My friend who does hair lightened it for me and then I just dye it red every 4 weeks 

I dye it myself darling

But the babies died right? I know you feel like a murderer but that's better than a house full of spiders which is what I have. They're horrible creatures!
Snakes. *shiver*
Domestic goddess? That's me! Today I:
- Vaccumed upstairs & down
- Stripped the bed
- Did the washing
- Washed up & wiped up
- Washed the windows
- Took out the garbage
- Hosed out our bins
- Cleaned the toilets
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Baked cupcakes
- AND cooked dinner (no packet recipes or anything..all from scratch!!)
I need a massage!...
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- Vaccumed upstairs & down
- Stripped the bed
- Did the washing
- Washed up & wiped up
- Washed the windows
- Took out the garbage
- Hosed out our bins
- Cleaned the toilets
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Baked cupcakes
- AND cooked dinner (no packet recipes or anything..all from scratch!!)
I need a massage!...
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awesome, maybe tomorrow you can come do my chores? i'll give ya 2 massages!
I'm currently listening to Bloodbuzz Ohio & my heart is doing flip-flops again. I dont know if it's this song or what, but I just looked at a picture of Ollie & felt sick. Why did he do it?
It is hard to understand...... Much love to you lady <3
2 minute noodles can be yummy!!
I'm listening to Something for Kate & reminiscing. Still can't believe you're gone Ollie.
Today I found out that you're gone. I feel heartbroken to know that we will never speak again. I remember this song. I was 17, you were 20 and you played this for me.
Goodbye Ollie.
Goodbye Ollie.
Congratulations gorgeous lady! You have got yourself a good man there <3
Lest We Forget <3