New blog time!
The Good.
Having a lot of extra time on my hands lately as my social life is now non-existant means I can now concentrate on the things I enjoy most. Recently I have started reading books again and boy, do I feel better for it. Spending hours online really is no substitute for reading, that is proper escapism and I have needed that more than anything after the last few months.
Another thing has been reignited my passion for taking pictures. I am a photographer by trade, but using it as a way to pay bills and keep a roof over my head, it really does lose the gloss and I very rarely have time to do things for my own enjoyment. I've been leaving the SLR at home in favour of smaller, more fun formats. I'm not saying my SLR isn't fun, I love it to bits, but I do feel burdened dragging it around with me everywhere I go, so m y new weapons of choice have been good old instagram, and the analogue version Instax.
I've been shooting so much more, just small insights into daily life, but I have been really enjoying it again. However, I do have a few big shoots in the pipeline so watch this space. In the meantime, here are a few recent images.
That seems to be all my laptop is willing to let me upload!
The Bad.
Well it wouldn't be me if bad things weren't happening now eh? I have really stalled on getting anything sorted for the wedding. Regular readers of this blog will know why. The other day, one of the members of Joe's ex band members had taken one of my images and cropped Joe right out of it. It cut me very deep and I ended up exchanged words with this people for the first time since it all happened. I still can't understand the whole thing. Having listened to their reasons and justifications, I still can't see it as anything other than hurtful and thoughtless. However an olive branch has been offered so we will see how things go from here. That's really all we can do. I need to move forward now, I can't stand the anxiety and letting the hurt consume me anymore, I need to take action so things can move forward and I can enjoy planning my wedding again.
The Rest.
Well I am back at work 100% full time now. It's pretty hard, but I just can't stand being skint anymore! Next week I have some proper holiday though, so I am taking myself down to my parents in Devon for a week for some tlc and a break from everything. Thinking of maybe trying to organise some shoots too if the weather is good, but we shall see.
We're looking to move again soon too. I'm sick of this shitty house. I'm a woman of the modern world and I need my own washing machine. Sunday morning trips to the laundrette just don't cut it anymore!
Anyway that's it for now. I hope you're all well and good. Hopefully I will have a nice happy blog for you all next time. Although, I am getting better though right?

The Good.
Having a lot of extra time on my hands lately as my social life is now non-existant means I can now concentrate on the things I enjoy most. Recently I have started reading books again and boy, do I feel better for it. Spending hours online really is no substitute for reading, that is proper escapism and I have needed that more than anything after the last few months.
Another thing has been reignited my passion for taking pictures. I am a photographer by trade, but using it as a way to pay bills and keep a roof over my head, it really does lose the gloss and I very rarely have time to do things for my own enjoyment. I've been leaving the SLR at home in favour of smaller, more fun formats. I'm not saying my SLR isn't fun, I love it to bits, but I do feel burdened dragging it around with me everywhere I go, so m y new weapons of choice have been good old instagram, and the analogue version Instax.
I've been shooting so much more, just small insights into daily life, but I have been really enjoying it again. However, I do have a few big shoots in the pipeline so watch this space. In the meantime, here are a few recent images.

That seems to be all my laptop is willing to let me upload!
The Bad.
Well it wouldn't be me if bad things weren't happening now eh? I have really stalled on getting anything sorted for the wedding. Regular readers of this blog will know why. The other day, one of the members of Joe's ex band members had taken one of my images and cropped Joe right out of it. It cut me very deep and I ended up exchanged words with this people for the first time since it all happened. I still can't understand the whole thing. Having listened to their reasons and justifications, I still can't see it as anything other than hurtful and thoughtless. However an olive branch has been offered so we will see how things go from here. That's really all we can do. I need to move forward now, I can't stand the anxiety and letting the hurt consume me anymore, I need to take action so things can move forward and I can enjoy planning my wedding again.
The Rest.
Well I am back at work 100% full time now. It's pretty hard, but I just can't stand being skint anymore! Next week I have some proper holiday though, so I am taking myself down to my parents in Devon for a week for some tlc and a break from everything. Thinking of maybe trying to organise some shoots too if the weather is good, but we shall see.
We're looking to move again soon too. I'm sick of this shitty house. I'm a woman of the modern world and I need my own washing machine. Sunday morning trips to the laundrette just don't cut it anymore!
Anyway that's it for now. I hope you're all well and good. Hopefully I will have a nice happy blog for you all next time. Although, I am getting better though right?

I'm glad you have started to love photography again and are abele to get to do you own photo art.
I hope things work out, it really sucks they would do that to the both of you, friends should come first.
Well i'm glad you are working again, I know it is hard, but we all need money.
Good luck on the move.