It's Mid-day on Monday - and I have already dealt with all the nasties that kept me awake over the weekend - and to top it all off, it's only frickin' sunny outside as well! smile

Now I can relax and just look forward to enjoying the rest of my week. It's going to be a good one as the boy is taking a few days...
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Monday again and I have lots of horrible things to do today frown
It's not Monday in Canada yet, but I'm dreading it nonetheless! Best of luck on yours.
Mondays do suck!

This! smile
Even when I fail at life, I win at animal crossing smile
I come and I go, depending on finances. Last break from here ended in December... I think.
Heh heh, I haven't played that game in an age.

smile smile smile smile smile
I don't like talking about potential exciting things happening for fear of jinxing them but no-one I know uses this site so it feels safe to talk about it!

Somehow this week I have managed to secure a new part time job and also bag an interview for a full time job next wednesday which I am super excited about. After losing both of my...
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Best of luck Miss Lily.

smile smile smile smile smile
Ever get those days where everything feels personal? I'm having one of those today.

No silly emo rant here though, no sir! It's been a busy week. I've lost count of how many miles I've travelled around the UK this week but to name but a few stops Watford, Bristol, Redditch and Milton Keynes have been among those miles and boy am I feeling it...
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I recently launched my new website and today I posted my first blog, you can read it by clicking here:

My Blog!

This is a whole new world to me so I'm pretty nervous but excited about having a proper site up for the first time, I've had a few enquiries recently so really need to keep them consistent. A girl needs to earn a...
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Many thanks indeed! x
it will not let me look at your website frown

I wish I could earn my money from my photography, you are lucky!

Nice photo!

I hope you get a good photo of her soon, I would like to see a photo of the kitty.

Sounds like fun, Im glad you had a good time, what bad 90s music did they play?
So here is a more lengthy blog from me.

Firstly hello to all the new people who have dropped by in the last day or so, secondly hello to all of my old friends on here who may or may not have realised I have re-emerged from the depths of the interwebs. Not a whole lot has changed here really, seems that most of what...
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Well Im glad to see your back.

Things have changed a good deal the last 2 years.

It is a good place to keep a journal, why I always stayed was because of all the interesting and creative people.

Im glad you like your new city.

I would love to do freelance work, but I have to have a good amount of money every month, so if I can just find a job I like I will be happy.

I bet you were not as promiscuous as you thought you were, just depends on your point of view, but it is good to live life for a while before you settle down.

Im really glad you have a good man, what kind of music does he play?

Those are nice photos.
I'm good, sounds like things are going well for you. Your photos are awesome, I know what you mean about being landlocked in nice weather, I'm the same. I'm about to do an update, I've actually only been away from here for a few months which is crazy.
Well, well, well. It's been 2 years since I last showed my face around here smile

Hello to anyone who might be stopping by smile
Hello to you as well!! Just stopping by smilesmile
welcome back
The best things about being single in no particular order:

- Living alone, no nagging, no dirty underwear lying around and no telling the boy yo wear deodorant and brush their teeth.

- No-one telling me I am wrong about absolutely everything. The ego has left the building.

-No more sci fi channel 24/7.

- Watching all the porn I want without anyone getting offended...
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I insist on visual evidence of these things.
Well I like the sci fi channel, but I agree with all the rest. biggrin