I am caught up with everything
feels great. Now why am I still awake? Im sitting here listening to music, watching my dog sleep, and just thinking. I love it! LauraScene isn't out! I have been in for the past 3 weeks really. Ive been able to clear y thoughts, and I think its made me stronger and set my priorities straight. I love this feeling, even though my best friend made an asshole move and his attempts at speaking to me without apologizing upset me even more. Thats a whole new story, I guess I start rambling on different topics when its this late at night. I should try and sleep, seeing as I must be at work in a few hours!
Good night for now!

Good night for now!
Or he realized how bad the move was and in hoping you will simply forget it, he is simply affraid to remind you with an apology!
The "best" in best friend should justify giving second chances