Today, some retarded phrat boy, in a beat-to-hell pick up, ran into me as I was walking home from work.
Why does this city hate me so much?
Anyways, I am in an endless search for some girls to do a photoshoot with. Are there not girls in this city that want their picture taken? Eh. I have been sending out messages like crazy and no one is responding. It's for a magazine too. So if these girls were actually interested in modeling, they would jump at the chance to add a tear sheet to their portfolios. Whatever.
I was promised a summer trip to Toronto. There will be no Toronto. There will be no trip. I always get promised trips and I never find myself in the location that was promised.
. niagra falls .
. toronto .
. erie .
. osu football game .
. putt-putt golf .
. the new cereal bar .
. fall tour of europe and australia .
. new york city .
I am losing faith in the male population.
Is it me? Do boys not like me for me? Have they just been using me this whole time? Why am I the only one ever showing affection.
I feel ill. Again.
Why does this city hate me so much?
Anyways, I am in an endless search for some girls to do a photoshoot with. Are there not girls in this city that want their picture taken? Eh. I have been sending out messages like crazy and no one is responding. It's for a magazine too. So if these girls were actually interested in modeling, they would jump at the chance to add a tear sheet to their portfolios. Whatever.
I was promised a summer trip to Toronto. There will be no Toronto. There will be no trip. I always get promised trips and I never find myself in the location that was promised.
. niagra falls .
. toronto .
. erie .
. osu football game .
. putt-putt golf .
. the new cereal bar .
. fall tour of europe and australia .
. new york city .
I am losing faith in the male population.
Is it me? Do boys not like me for me? Have they just been using me this whole time? Why am I the only one ever showing affection.
I feel ill. Again.

did you say you got hit by a truck? wow!!!!!! i think you have 9 lives for sure. anyways, i know some chicks that will shoot with you if you're interested. just let me know. and another thing, about all of these cancelled trips and what not. i go miniature golfing quite often and you're more than welcome to putt putt with me. it's so much f'ing fun. too bad it costs like 5 dollars a game. hell, i'll even pay for the outing. and i still wanna shoot you for the crombie project. if you're still interested in that i'll need your sizes so i can arrange to get you clothing. i have unlimited access to clothing. anyways you should have my number. call me up or message me at the very least
i'll putt putt if you'd like