As to your prior piercing problems at work post, i really don't know, but there are a wide and interesting bunch of pierced peoples on this site. Maybe join the Pierced or Body Mods group on SG Groups and ask for the advice fropm people on there.....i mean somebody has got to know right? I am pierced but i work at basically a hippie store so no one cares. God help me if i try to find another job, i have my septum and vertical labret and i really don't want to have to take either out.....sigh. People are still unable to grasp that piercing is becoming a norm, and hold on to their antiquated aesthetics of the 50's housewife. Yes, we must be normal at all times.....
Oooh yes, i looooves me some Nutella! They used to carry it at the Fred Meyers here eons ago, then they stopped, then they started carrying it again.....and that was all a long time ago, i have no idea if they have it now. I think Nutella is originally Dutch or Beligian......i am not positive though, it is all over Europe.
I lived in Holland for a year because my dad had Sabbatical through OSU. So i got to try all kinds of weird food....though for the most part Dutch food is pretty simple. But they eat nutella on bread for breakfast, or "hagel" with butter on bread (hagel means hail but it is relly just chocolate sprinkles), some people over there even ate bread with butter and white sugar. Weird huh?
I lived in Holland for a year because my dad had Sabbatical through OSU. So i got to try all kinds of weird food....though for the most part Dutch food is pretty simple. But they eat nutella on bread for breakfast, or "hagel" with butter on bread (hagel means hail but it is relly just chocolate sprinkles), some people over there even ate bread with butter and white sugar. Weird huh?