I GOT THE NIP/TUCK SEASON ONE DVD BOX SET.... oh yes. Mitch got it for me, and seriously, I could have kissed him.....

And I did.... and a lot more for that matter. Now I can watch Nip/Tuck on my new portable DVD player he got me last week. I love him. I have to do laundry before we leave to Washington, and I wanted...
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ty for your comment in my journal and ty for reminding me of that cliche- it was always one that i lived by and for some reason in this recent situation it sorta slipped my mind.
I don't have cable so i don'tsee too many tv shows....is nip tuck real or a tv drama? Blegh plastic surgery creeps me out. Especially liposuction....so nasty puke Not that it isn't beneficial for some people i suppose, just that i knwo it is so dangerous and it grosses me out. And when anyone mentions liposuction i always think of that scene in fight club where they spill the fat. puke puke puke

I just painted my nails, and i feel all weird because i hardly ever do that. I just figured out i have nailcolor that matches some of my barettes, sooooo. I had to. How stupid and girly is that? smile

Ugh....don't know what to say...i am in a bad mood today, and i can't really think....horrible money problems. Anyway, i hope your trip is going alright. Have fun!

-Leslie kiss
I fucking GOT FIRED..... well laid off.

But.....I have found my calling.

Mechanic..... oh yesh.

The only little problem? I know absolutely nothing about cars. But I CAN learn..... so it's a fixable problem. Now just to find someone to teach me. I was gonna use the Air Force to teach me..... but that could end up in disaster.....

Like me dead, from a damned...
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like woah....i have seriously been contemplating enlisting or moving to canada. that is too weird. i'm thinking if you go into a field in the military that does not involve anything that is needed in iraq then you won't have to go there, cause i know i could never be involved directly in the war, but i'm even thinking of even going into something medical but non-icky related, like radiology or something like that. or maybe journalism....i dunno

How did i get confused on that one?

Well Dallas is so much easier! cool!
You know lately I find myself in love with Dean Koontz.... it is really sad, but seriously.... I do. I usually find myself hating his kind of writer. It's something about the mass production of books that gets me. Five books a year is really too many to be REAL writing. Sell outs. I feel like they are naturally talented and they are abusing it...
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I used to really enjoy those types of books. Now i'd almost rather not read at all. i can see the appeal of them though, since i am impatient sometimes i like to read books that are a little bti retardiculous. I mean, i think i like what might be called "good books" as well, but anything difficult seems to take me over a month, so every once in a while when i want to read i will read something totally cheezy like steven king or dean koontz. When i was in middle school i read VC Andrews, which i hate now, but it is sort of interesting just how BAD the wrinting is and how sick a lot of the stuff in those stories is.
This bitch at work keeps rolling her motherfucking eyes at me when she sees me. I'm so close to slapping them out of her head. This holier-than-thou bullshit is getting really REALLY old.
She works in pets but she is almost NEVER there, she likes this other guy, Tanner. Well, actually she likes just about any guy there that will talk to the ugly bitch....
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Its kind of sad really, those type of girls (or guys for that matter, though i haven't met too many) who are so pathetic that all they seem to do in any spare moment is bitch complain and obsess about other people. I mean, it is sad really, because you realise they obviously aren't interested by too much going on in their own life. Grrrr. It is funny though, a lot of people still don't understand piercings and alternative styles of dress even though it is coming so much more into the popular culture. And it bugs me. Why do they get to ignore whats happening in the world? I am not that ignornat, but i bet i'd be happier (if not confused) if i was ignorant, but somehow my mind won't let me stay too ignorant....see it craves this thing called knowlege, understanding and empathy....something a lot of humans don't seem to understand. I am reminded this by my work constantly!

Well, i don't have any naked pics of me up here. Not tha ti dislike being naked....just that i kind of like to have control over who gets to see me naked. wink Basically, i have a boyfriend, so i don't feel the need to go out showing myself to other guys because i don't really need any more men in my life. He provides all my desired man purposes. smile I wouldn't mind revealing myself photographically or in person, but only to females. Greg is straight but i am bisexual, so i have always felt the female element lacking in our relationship, even though i am totally in love.....that doesn't mean i can't enjoy women. And therefore, to be fair, i don't mind if he looks at other women as well.

Ugh....yes we are out of TP and peanut butter....i am just one lazy bitch! And since greg is currently unemployed he has reverted to his natural state of being a night owl, so by the time he even thinks of shopping the stores are usually all closed! We are weird.

Ok, have a good day! kiss
These Jehovah witness fucks came to my house awhile ago. Naturally, I had fun with them.... bwahahaha.... I'm so going to hell for that. Well, if there is a hell. Oh well... not worried about it. They tried to tell me that I would be left in a paradise when God came down and rid the world of all the bad guys (not in those...
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this is an invitation to join SG BEATNIKS

we are a new group on the site searching for new members that might like to participate

zh skull
As to your prior piercing problems at work post, i really don't know, but there are a wide and interesting bunch of pierced peoples on this site. Maybe join the Pierced or Body Mods group on SG Groups and ask for the advice fropm people on there.....i mean somebody has got to know right? I am pierced but i work at basically a hippie store so no one cares. God help me if i try to find another job, i have my septum and vertical labret and i really don't want to have to take either out.....sigh. whatever People are still unable to grasp that piercing is becoming a norm, and hold on to their antiquated aesthetics of the 50's housewife. Yes, we must be normal at all times.....

Oooh yes, i looooves me some Nutella! They used to carry it at the Fred Meyers here eons ago, then they stopped, then they started carrying it again.....and that was all a long time ago, i have no idea if they have it now. I think Nutella is originally Dutch or Beligian......i am not positive though, it is all over Europe.

I lived in Holland for a year because my dad had Sabbatical through OSU. So i got to try all kinds of weird food....though for the most part Dutch food is pretty simple. But they eat nutella on bread for breakfast, or "hagel" with butter on bread (hagel means hail but it is relly just chocolate sprinkles), some people over there even ate bread with butter and white sugar. Weird huh?

Okay.... so I HAVE to say this.... anyone seen "Iron Jawed Angels"? It has Hilary Swank... blah blah blah...It's about these suffragists in the early 20th century, boring, right? NOOOOO.... not with motherfucking HILARY SWANK!!!! There is this one scene with Sarah McLachlan's "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy". The movie goes back and forth between scenes of Hilary dancing with some guy in a field and her...
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*sniff* I had to regauge my monroe from an 18 to a 16... it's new and it hurt real bad frown. WHY did I have to do this? My ucking work keeps changing their policies on piercings... assholes. Before I was even hired, during my interview I asked if I could put a retainer in ,y tongue and nose. They said it was okay. Apparently...
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I hate working.....it sucks. Eventually I will fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a kick ass super-hero and I won't have to work.... ever. Female super-heros never have to work. Only male super-heros work.... ewww.... boys. tongue Im thinking of quitting my job anyhow. I hate cashiering, I would much rather... answer phones. I can't hang up on asshole customers cashiering. I have to deal with...
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I will try to get a better pic up sometime soon, but to see that *actual* pic, (I had to trim that one down and shrink it.) go to my pictures thingy. I don't really have time to write right now, and I have strep throat, so I don't really fell like writing either. I'll write for real soon.
For real. I think I"m getting strep too :-/