Probably for anybody not a secret that I live in a country where the war began six months ago, the war of interests, yes, exactly.
In the autumn of last year, for our nation was created the illusion that there is freedom of choice. People stood for the idea and with many sacrifices overthrew the old regime. Me, and most of the people around me, were skeptical about this treated. The people did not have specific goals, most were due to the herd instinct and good propaganda. Policy sponsored many movements on the "Maidan" and used it as a self-PR. There were a clear sense that it was necessary for someone, and not just for the "ordinary" citizens. Of course there were rumors that it is necessary for the United States (a pet version of the tabloids), but judging by what we got now - external factors clearly do with it and do not need to go far.
Ukraine - a country with no middle class. There are workers, and there are bandits and oligarchs. Just as in the notorious film, we really country of crime bosses. And they started it all. Big bumps divide the money and territory - and ordinary mortals are dying for their interests.
I am very scared, but even the fear does not prevent a rational approach to the issue and take a sober look at what is happening.
It's been 6 months and the situation has worsened.
Oligarchs started the war, Ukraine is divided into two fronts. One of which has received support from Putin.
Crowds of young guys go to the front, but you never know will they return ,at least someone one of them, or not. Among smoothly edited news video taken by eyewitnesses appeared on YouTube, interviewes with common soldiers , selected from the "circle of hell" and finally were established "sofa troops," an online community of active users, telling personal information often with supporting factors.
After that, many people saw the light
Our soldiers do not have enough uniforms and combat-supplies, sometimes commanders let them forward as cannon fodder, because the government needs back to their own territory, and no one cares about the lives of ordinary rank and file soldiers. On the other side of the front stands uncontrolled, part of our country that receive financial support from the military in Russia, weapons, protection. (Rumored terrorist salary $ 1000, and it is a lot of money, in the period when prices are rising up.) Hearing this peaceful citizens have undertaken to transfer the money into military action to protect their home, completely forgetting that we live in a terrible environment corruption. And even in a difficult time for everyone still there are those who make money on it. Most of these funds were not spent on the uniforms of soldiers. They were simply stolen.