I hate sales goals
Superbowl, a reason to get drunk
Fake people everywhere you turn
Goverment sucks
My spelling is worse then a bums breath
Winter here is almost over
My baby is turning two
Want more money
Want photos to go live
Need to get tattooed
Wish I could win the lottery
Work eats ass
Been so tired latley
My great dane can open doors, She ate all my snacks out of the closet today
Hair color is light, not really felling it
Did I mention I hate sales goals
Work will be crazy on Fri an Sat
Leave for Cali on the 10th, so excited!!!! I will be there for 7 days, woot woot!!!!!
Just cleaned house two days ago and it needs to be cleaned again
I am OCD with my bangs and my house being clean
Have to wake up early in am and really wake to sleep.
Hope all is well and love you all!!!!!!
Superbowl, a reason to get drunk
Fake people everywhere you turn
Goverment sucks
My spelling is worse then a bums breath
Winter here is almost over
My baby is turning two
Want more money
Want photos to go live
Need to get tattooed
Wish I could win the lottery
Work eats ass
Been so tired latley
My great dane can open doors, She ate all my snacks out of the closet today
Hair color is light, not really felling it
Did I mention I hate sales goals
Work will be crazy on Fri an Sat
Leave for Cali on the 10th, so excited!!!! I will be there for 7 days, woot woot!!!!!
Just cleaned house two days ago and it needs to be cleaned again
I am OCD with my bangs and my house being clean
Have to wake up early in am and really wake to sleep.
Hope all is well and love you all!!!!!!

Really nice set Latina. Congrats beautiful SG.