So do I have to be hot and female to have a wishlist?
It's weird, but there are a lot of things that I'd take, but very few things I want.
Last night, a friend of mine gave me a reiki massage and I found out again that I have the energy of a madman. I had this theory when I was younger and I'm writing it for the first time, so be gentle:
A few assumptions--Assume that there is a higher essence in the universe. This essence is beyond man and it is the Unknown Oneness from which we all come, whether you call it God or Anatman or the Tao. If there is that essence, it predates when we shed our gills and walked on land and would essentially predate the identifial formation of species.
So, there's this cosmic goo and from it all life comes. This means that its job was essentiall done once the party started. Unless you buy into the notion of this essence having the failings and passions of man, it SHOULD give 2 shits about whether we're man, gopher, tree or fish. Why would it create a different essence to fill different species? Either the essence that connects us is the same or it is species specific. If it's the same, then that essence has been for so long that it is IMPOSSIBLE to understand any more than we can understand what air smelled like before any pollution or what dinosaur tastes like. I don't believe that one.
Instead, I think that each species that can think has a unique way of connecting to the Oneness. So from bugs to lizards to man, we're imbued with this specific Fluff that makes us what we are vis a vis the Connection. When a species dies, that essence has to go somewhere and either it gets reabsorbed or it goes into something different.
So what if we are just too fucking widespread? As we breed and kill and replace, we become the only vessels for this lost connection. So man becomes filled with a connection that can never be realized because we're just the wrong fucking vessel. So we pray and meditate and live well and still can feel discontent. We feel like strangers in our own skin because we ARE.
Anyway, whenever I talk about energies or empathy or instincts, I think of this. kind of like how everyone was royalty in their past life, most of us would assume that we have the right essence. Me? I figure I'm pretty much a pot pourri of essences.
Much love,
It's weird, but there are a lot of things that I'd take, but very few things I want.
Last night, a friend of mine gave me a reiki massage and I found out again that I have the energy of a madman. I had this theory when I was younger and I'm writing it for the first time, so be gentle:
A few assumptions--Assume that there is a higher essence in the universe. This essence is beyond man and it is the Unknown Oneness from which we all come, whether you call it God or Anatman or the Tao. If there is that essence, it predates when we shed our gills and walked on land and would essentially predate the identifial formation of species.
So, there's this cosmic goo and from it all life comes. This means that its job was essentiall done once the party started. Unless you buy into the notion of this essence having the failings and passions of man, it SHOULD give 2 shits about whether we're man, gopher, tree or fish. Why would it create a different essence to fill different species? Either the essence that connects us is the same or it is species specific. If it's the same, then that essence has been for so long that it is IMPOSSIBLE to understand any more than we can understand what air smelled like before any pollution or what dinosaur tastes like. I don't believe that one.
Instead, I think that each species that can think has a unique way of connecting to the Oneness. So from bugs to lizards to man, we're imbued with this specific Fluff that makes us what we are vis a vis the Connection. When a species dies, that essence has to go somewhere and either it gets reabsorbed or it goes into something different.
So what if we are just too fucking widespread? As we breed and kill and replace, we become the only vessels for this lost connection. So man becomes filled with a connection that can never be realized because we're just the wrong fucking vessel. So we pray and meditate and live well and still can feel discontent. We feel like strangers in our own skin because we ARE.
Anyway, whenever I talk about energies or empathy or instincts, I think of this. kind of like how everyone was royalty in their past life, most of us would assume that we have the right essence. Me? I figure I'm pretty much a pot pourri of essences.
Much love,