I hate how it gets dark at F-ing 5:00. That is hella-lame. It is nearly December... that means it is nearly time for my "December Bender." It helps me deal with my S.A.D. (Seasonal Affect Disorder) which I may or may not have... pretty good excuse though -eh? I drink some sort of alcohol every day from Thanksgiving until after New Years. I am always in a good mood during my "December Bender." I have a few friends that have joined me on this. I believe this self-created tradition came into being about 5 years ago. Cheers to the "December Bender!"

Man, don't go above the Arctic or Antarctic Circles then, or you're going to be drunk for days, weeks, even months. Although, I heard that getting drunk and going outside to freeze to death is one of the best ways to go.
Yup, they broke it on my ass. Awesome huh?