No work for me today... I love long weekends. My parents are having a cookout. My Dad overcooks the food sometimes, so I have to get there early to make sure that I "help" him cook. Anyway, it should be a good time. Its fun to spend some time with "the fam" every once in a while.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 28, 2005
I haven't updated in a while... but really there's nothing new going … -
Sunday Oct 23, 2005
Had a good weekend... played some guitar and sang a little at a bar o… -
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
I've got nothing... nada... zip ... zilch... el scorcho. Nothing new… -
Thursday Oct 13, 2005
How do I make the weekends seem longer? ...and no I can't take Frida… -
Sunday Oct 09, 2005
That weekend went by way too fast! Do you feel my pain? -
Wednesday Oct 05, 2005
I'm thinking about getting a new car (car, SUV...whatever)... any sug… -
Monday Oct 03, 2005
What happened to Lilyk!?! I hope she comes back... she is the … -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2005
I'm going to NYC next week for work... I think. I miss that place! … -
Sunday Sep 25, 2005
So....... I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with a girl… -
Thursday Sep 22, 2005
I would love to go out tonight, but I have to get up at 5:00am... tha…
I'm glad that someone got the long weekend off and had a chance to relax. Funny how 3 years ago I was looking forward to moving far away from my family. Now, I would love to go and meet them for a BBQ. After awhile though, I would want to go far away from them again...