Yo LISTEN UP IF U THINK U GOT SOMETHING .....for the past few months i been putting together a zine...mostly a collect arts kinda thing but there soem sick articles so far...i posted bulletins on myspace for it but i realized i never posted it here....il take whatever u wanan share...anything photos poems...writing...stuff u think is cool whatever!! i got a huge mailing list to send copies out and it will be ciruclated pretty wide..im making a it a free zine for now and see if i can keep it that way...so if u wana contribute feel free to send me stuff but incliude a SASE if u want tjhe stuff back...and if u mail me something EMAIL ME so i knwo to look for it....my contacts r below...any questions get at me...
Last Witness..! LastXwitness@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 1068
Long Beach, Ny 11561
Last Witness..! LastXwitness@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 1068
Long Beach, Ny 11561
