The Rain has stopped for the moment! Since I came home from Vegas last Wen. it has rained pretty much non-stop here in Seattle. Now I know that everyone thinks it rains alot here but it really doesn't about 35 inches a year (same or less then most east coast towns). I can deal with the normal seattle rain as it doesn't require an umbrella or jacket in the summer. This rain has been hard though! The kind of rain that makes you want to kill people.
Traffic has been a nightmare for 5 days and its been wet. Not a good wet.
Traffic has been a nightmare for 5 days and its been wet. Not a good wet.
most people do believe in Seattle it rains all the time, which sucks. But last winter here in Twin Cities we didn't see the sun for 20 straight days. A guy called into a radio station and mentioned he use to live in Seattle and he mentioned there was a almost a month of no sun. He also said that is one of main reasons why there is so many coffee house there.
I thought it was funny.....