As we're now 9 months into what has been a very wild stressful year I have been given an opportunity that still seems surreal to me. I can't even find the words yet so here's an obligatory photo dump....

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Thanks for the memories Chico....

Love it!
oh is so great

Really struggling with this one, I know lately it seems like I'm mostly posting negative but I needed to vent and this is somewhere I can do it safely.

I'm feeling a loss right now, due to the callous actions of someone who I cared deeply for. This was a person I struggled for and put myself through hell for their benefit. I put them...
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Yesterday was a shock with alot of sadness and sorrow. Thankfully tonight is completely different.

When I lived in Georgia I grew a love for UGA and have supported them every step as a college program. Tonight they are college football champions for the first time since before I was born.

Wide awake and fighting tears I am so damn happy. They were amazing and...
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I'll update more later, but it's kinda nice to see the year come to a close. Right now I'm exhausted from holiday traveling (my first in 2 years) but soon enough I'll elaborate. Taking the hood and bad with this one and moving forward onto the new year.

Let's make it a good one.....