It is kicking my ass. Something very humbling about struggling to do 5 minutes on a treadmill(I'm up to 10). It's been almost a month and a half since the discs completely herniated and it really affected me physically. Definitely lost strength, put some weight on, and totally screwed up how I walk. So basically I'm learning to walk correctly and hopefully getting the discs back in place(also taking meds to alleviate swelling) so I don't need shots or surgery. Definitely getting cabin fever though, haven't been out much(not even working) and missed some choice concerts because of my condition(really not happy about that). So we just take this day to day and rebuild. I really hope 2014 is ALOT better than this has been.
I hope 2014 is a lot better for you, too. PT is a bitch but it will be worth it in the end, especially if you can avoid surgery!