Where the hell is the snow??? One week ago we had some and a week from now it's x-mas and it fucking feels like spring outside. Something is wrong.. seriously. The grass is green and there are FLOWERS, F L O W E R S growing in the parks in Ottawa. Come on.. ten years ago the Rideau Canal was open for skating on the first week of December. Now we are lucky if it opens for two whole weeks. Global warming is a natural phenomena, but the rate that it is going at is just fucking alarming. I WANT TO SNOWBOARD. This is maybe selfish but it is just one of the factors that make it serious. I also do allot of x-county skiing. How relaxing it is for me to spend a day on the trails of the Gatineau Park just putting away looking at the snow covered pine trees and stopping for a warm hot coco at the little lodge and then hit the slopes for a couple hours. The seasons start later and end earlier... I can remember when I used to snowboard In JUNE! WTF!!!!
O.k., so these are my personal reasons for being pissed off. I'm sure you have your own that are just as good but there are side affects that affect us all, everyone of us, and I know that what I'm saying here has very little impact on the world... It's just a blog that will be updated in a couple of days and maybe 30 people at the max are going to see and maybe 15 or 20 will actually read it. This is why I wright this: One person talking can affect ten people and then it spreads like a disease. if only two out of ten react that is better then none and to quote a commercial that i saw in France this summer: ''si nous some 15 million a faire un petit geste pour aider la planette, ce n'est plus un petit geste'' and in English : '' if we are 15 million doing a little something to help out planet, it's no longer just a little something ''.(not the best translation but you get the point)
I know that this subject's that is debated and talked about and even dramatized all the time on tv, the radio, in the news papers and in magazines but it is fact. And I really don't think that I need to mention what we have to do to fix it. No one except for our children and there children are going to benefit from our actions.. but if we aren't careful there going to pay.
Here are a few pictures of the beautiful season that we are slowly erasing from Canada and the northern US...
This is a picture from the expedition I did last year in January near Mont Sainte-Marie with College, aproximatly 2 hrs from home.
This is a picture taken the day after x-mas last year... all that powder..hmmmm.
O.k., so these are my personal reasons for being pissed off. I'm sure you have your own that are just as good but there are side affects that affect us all, everyone of us, and I know that what I'm saying here has very little impact on the world... It's just a blog that will be updated in a couple of days and maybe 30 people at the max are going to see and maybe 15 or 20 will actually read it. This is why I wright this: One person talking can affect ten people and then it spreads like a disease. if only two out of ten react that is better then none and to quote a commercial that i saw in France this summer: ''si nous some 15 million a faire un petit geste pour aider la planette, ce n'est plus un petit geste'' and in English : '' if we are 15 million doing a little something to help out planet, it's no longer just a little something ''.(not the best translation but you get the point)
I know that this subject's that is debated and talked about and even dramatized all the time on tv, the radio, in the news papers and in magazines but it is fact. And I really don't think that I need to mention what we have to do to fix it. No one except for our children and there children are going to benefit from our actions.. but if we aren't careful there going to pay.
Here are a few pictures of the beautiful season that we are slowly erasing from Canada and the northern US...
This is a picture from the expedition I did last year in January near Mont Sainte-Marie with College, aproximatly 2 hrs from home.
This is a picture taken the day after x-mas last year... all that powder..hmmmm.
welcome !