I really wish Chowder was on. Is anyone watching this show? It's amazing! So friggin 'funny and creative. I really don't watch much TV. There's nothing original or creative on anymore. Survivor and American Idol were the death of good television. How many of these retarded reality shows do we need? If you want reality, turn your TV off, leave your home and live your life. No wonder were a country of overweight people. Instead of doing something we sit and watch others. I feel bad for kids. When I was a kid I had metal lunch boxes and I played outside for hours. I rode my bike without a helmet and I even fell down from time to time. There was no purell or anti-bacterial soap. We had this amazing thing called an immune system. We also had these amazing cartoons like Jonny Quest. People would actually smoke and kill each other on that show. It was amazing and I didn't kill anyone later on because my psyche was scared. AND WHAT THE FUCK IS B HONOR ROLL? Either you are on the honor roll or you aren't. Why must we make these kids feel good about themselves by giving them meaningless awards? Here's a tip, try being a concerned parent. Spend some time with your kids but what do I know. I'm just a guy who appreciates creative television. I wish Chowder was on.